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Thank You that Today...

Writer's picture: Hannah KuhnHannah Kuhn

is a part of my story.

Have you ever thought about how while everyday is a new fresh day, God already included it as part of your story? If each life is like a book and each day is like a page, sometimes I approach each morning like a reader does when he or she sits down to continue a book. 

The pages of the story are already written, you just need to read [live] them. One of my favorite verses recently is Psalm 139:16, “Your eyes say my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” 

As someone who appreciates knowing what to expect and having some degree of control, I find this verse very comforting. I think we desire control the most when we don’t trust whoever’s actually in control.

For example, no offense to them, but I definitely have a couple friends where, when given the option, I’d rather drive than be driven. Some people are just a little more easily distracted if you know what I mean… 

But when it comes to life, despite what the world tries to tell us (“you have the power,” “if you don’t like it, change it,” “it’s all in your hands”), we actually have little control over what happens in our lives; We can control how we respond, but not actually what happens, and thank goodness!

If I had control over my life, it would be very boring from about 30 to whenever the Lord calls me home. I’d coordinate everything to happen how I please, one right after the other. The reality is that most of life is spent waiting. 

Waiting for that next job, dream house, healing, good friends, a spouse, a church, sunshine (both physically and metaphorically– it is wintertime you know); the point is waiting isn’t a mistake, a punishment, or evidence of being forgotten; Waiting is a part of your story. It’s a part of the world’s story! And we can trust the One who actually controls everything on earth. 

For he ‘has put everything under his feet.’ Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:27)

The people from the old testament waited how many thousand years for the Savior of the world? So if most of our time is spent waiting, and nothing that happens in our life is a mistake or coincidence, that means that even the most mundane, routine, quiet day was written into our story to serve a purpose. 

Waiting strengthens faith, quietness helps us hear God, routine shows us– if we look closely enough– that God fulfills His promise of meeting our needs for every day. 

While this world is broken and desperate for Jesus to return and redeem it all, there is joy to be found that helps you enjoy everyday– no matter what it entails. Some people call it romanticizing your life/routines, and in my opinion it’s a form of practicing gratitude, but the point is how can you enjoy where you are now knowing it’s not a mistake and won’t last forever. 

What would it look like to start every morning, even before you know what’s on the page for that today, by saying, “God, thank you that today is a part of my story.”
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