Sometimes He just loves you too much to give you what you want

We all probably know how reverse psychology works. Parents are probably the best at it, although I've seen some teachers nail the concept with their students, too.
As a quick refresher, reverse psychology is suggesting or persuading someone to do the exact opposite of what you want, knowing it will cause them to do exactly what you want. Some people question the morality of this method, and depending on the situation I might actually agree with you.
This technique seems to be the most effective for young, rebellious kids or teenagers who are determined to do the opposite of what authority is saying. So, with all of that background, why do some of us subconsciously try to do this with God?
It will never work.
I'll be honest, I started thinking about this concept when I caught myself attempting to use it. We all have desires we come to God with. Some of these desires sound like, "God, it would be really nice if ," and others sound more like, "God, I need __, PLEASE!"
When you've been praying for something for a long time and God doesn't seem to be moving, sometimes we start questioning if we're praying the wrong way.
We go from boldly bringing Him our requests (Hebrews 4:16), to dropping to our knees with open hands asking for His will to be done in this area (Matthew 6:10). We pray and we pray with every cell of hope and energy we have because His Word says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), until our hope dims, and our energy runs out, and we metaphorically crawl back to God using what little we have left to "be still, and know [He] is God" (Psalm 46:10).
But sometimes, we start to get crafty... "God, I know it's not good for me to be cured from, or have this thing. It's clearly an idol and I don't want anything to take Your place in my heart." Meanwhile, deep down, we're hoping we finally cracked the code and figured out how to pray... Now, where's my blessing?
Friends, God doesn't just hear us when we talk to Him; He hears our thoughts (when we're sleeping and when we're awake), He sees our hearts, there's no "tricking" Him, or successful use of reverse psychology with Him.
I'm constantly reminded, prayer is not a wish list, and God is not my wish grantor.
If we're not careful, we can very easily measure God's power, wisdom and love for us based on how He answers our prayers. We believe God is good, but why do you believe that? If it's because He has given you a comfortable life with almost everything you want, that's not good enough.

This was so very interesting. Huh. I never thought about it like that but I think you hit on something deep there!