"No. I was no masterpiece. I was a mistake, and a constant fixer-upper project."
The first time I was introduced to this verse was back in 2012 when my church used it as the theme verse for a summer kid's camp. They were playing off the word 'handiwork' to teach kids wood working and crafting-- how to be handy.
Handiwork is the word chosen in the NIV, but when I stumbled upon this verse again in college, I read the NLT version which used the word 'masterpiece' instead.
From the age of thirteen through my early twenties, I did not perceive myself to be a masterpiece. Everyone else was fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139L14), made in His image (Genesis 1:27) and a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), but certainly not me.
My developing woman's figure was not beautiful and healthy, it was ugly and a mistake. Hurtful comments taught me my no-longer blonde hair needed to be fixed, just like the teenage pimples on my face.
My perfectionism mentality reminded me constantly that I was never enough-- no, I was no masterpiece. I was a mistake that constantly needed fixing. You could argue we're all fixer-upper projects, and will be until God calls us home, but no one is a mistake and we are all God's masterpieces.
For the last ten years that I've read this verse, I have focused on the "masterpiece" portion because that was what I needed to learn. But recently, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the second part of this verse that explains why no one is a mistake.
"... created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." God created us with intention, "so we can do good works," and He already knows what good things we will accomplish and do in our lives. He planned them! God didn't just create us and throw us down on earth. He designed us so uniquely so that we will each be able to accomplish what good works He already planned for us to do.
He equipped us! God knew how our lives would begin and end before we were even born. He created us, and He wrote our story.
And we don't have to be afraid of what He has planned for us. Our God is good, all-knowing and all-powerful. He is our refuge and He loves to give good gifts to those who love Him.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." -- Ephesians 2:10 NLT
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