Change isn't always bad. Change can mean growth and wisdom- and sometimes the biggest moments of growth are the most painful. And I've learned that's okay, too.
This is me, in the packed car, on my way with my family to my first move-in day at what was Calvin College (we're a University now). I had no idea the things I would learn, the friends I would make, the experiences and adventures I would have. I remember praying the night before I left that God would not let me change because I was terrified at the thought of that... Let's just say, four years later and with so much more wisdom than I thought possible, I'm so glad He didn't listen to me.
“College is the place where moments become memories, memories that remain etched forever in our hearts.” -unknown
My Roots
My full name for anyone curious is, Hannah Grace Kuhn. I'm currently a senior in college, 22 years old, studying communications and writing and I'm from Chicago, Illinois. I have a younger sister, who I refer to as my best friend; I enjoy writing, playing volleyball with friends, doing photography, exploring Chicago, discovering new coffee shops, and ultimately spending time with my sweet family. If there is one, defining thing that makes up the person I am it's my faith. While raised in a Christian home, it wasn't until college that my faith really became my own. In the early college days of loneliness and uncertainty, I learned to cling to Christ for my peace and guidance; and I've sustained that trust ever since- and that's me.
I discovered my junior year that I've been a writer my whole life. As a high introvert, writing in journals has helped me process things I otherwise wouldn't be able to process outwardly. Writing has helped me find my voice, determine who I am and what I believe-despite the noisy opinions from the world. Writing has helped me gain confidence in who I am- and it only took nearly 12 completely filled journals to do that. Whatever your thought process entails, I encourage everyone to find their own and utilize it. For some it's journaling, for others it's talking to others, whatever it takes to form your feelings into thoughts you can understand I think is important.
A very wise English professor once opened the semester by saying "writing is a vulnerable activity." At the time, I didn't understand what he meant, but after reflecting on that idea for some time I realized he's right. Whether you're writing public blogs or screenplays, or private journals you are externalizing the thoughts in your head to potentially be read and judged by others. I never used to believe I had anything worth sharing, which is why every blog attempt failed- I was afraid. It took four years for me to gain the confidence to share my wisdom and thoughts and realize it's okay not everything I write resonates with everyone. Something that I couldn't have been learned without some growing pains. Just as anything worth having involves hard work, any worthy growth involves some growing pains. But I promise, the subtle pains are worth the growth in the end.