When I started college in August of 2016, I was afraid. I had never been away from home before, no one from my high school was going to the college I chose so I didn’t know anyone, and I have a naturally tendency of being afraid of new things. For a long time, all I wanted was to be home. But then, almost as though it was overnight, something changed. In one year (which ended up being the hardest year of college) I grew so much; having more confidence in myself, accepting more responsibility, determining who my real friends were, and feeling ready for the future.
In 2 weeks, I will begin this future; and I’m afraid. I’ve discovered a fear of failure in myself- I’m a diagnosed perfectionist. I’m afraid of finding a job that will demand things of me that I don’t know how to do, I’m afraid of losing the friends I’ve made in college, and I’m afraid of various things that just come with moving into the next season of life. No one wants to be afraid, but it’s a little too easy to have a feeling of fear.
As a Christian, I firmly believe that fear does not come from our Creator. God makes it plenty clear in His book that we have no reason to feel afraid. Not in sickness, storms, pain- anything that causes fear on Earth, He challenges us to test our faith and put our trust in Him. Easier said than done.
On the first day of journalism, my professor opened the semester with the statement ‘be not afraid.’ While he was talking about being brave when it comes to journalism, I couldn’t help but implement this statement into my everyday life. The concept of not being afraid is written all over the Bible, but my favorite place is in Joshua 1:9.
“For this is my command. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go.”
As a kid, I developed a lot of irrational fears. (Storms, fire, being kidnapped, getting sick at school) and sometimes the only thing that helped me was to excuse myself from others, go to the bathroom and repeat this verse over and over again until the devil fled from me, and my heart rate slowed. I eventually got over every one of those fears one by one, and I know God was with me the entire time.
As soon-to-be or recent grads, there’s a lot of uncertainty right now. But instead of being anxious, I choose to trust. I trust God will lead me to the perfect job that I need in this season- one that will help me grow while with supporting a company or organization in the process. I trust He will make things clear as to who is supposed to stay in my life, and who isn’t. And I trust He will make clear all of the little details. He’s done it before, and He will do it again.
Whatever it is that you’re feeling anxious about, be not afraid, my friends. Trust in God, and know everything will fall into place. I hope this encouraged you today. Be on the lookout for a post coming later when I receive answers to the things I don’t know now. For now though, I chose to trust.