Quarantine has allowed for a lot of time to think. Maybe even too much time to think. I don't know about you, but I've found myself thinking about people and events I hadn't thought about in a long time. For the most part, it's been fun to remember those old memories. However in my time of thinking, I've also been thinking a lot about what quarantine means and trying to figure out what God is trying to teach all of us.
Now, I think it's important to recognize that God will bring something beautiful in the end of this, and remember He is trying to teach us something, but before I go too far, I also think it's important that we don't go too far trying to guess and predict the future. There are some things we just aren't meant to know until we know.
However, during a nice, long, joy ride with my sister this afternoon I was telling her about how I felt like I actually understood the saying 'I need God on my best days as much as my worst days.' Before quarantine, maybe, generally, for the most part, life was a little too easy..? The economy was so good we didn't even notice it, we woke up everyday expecting our freedoms, and for there to be food on the table. At least for me and my friends, even our 'problems' were privileges (like being stressed about a college test, or not knowing what job to take).
Maybe, subconsciously, we even forgot that God was the one behind the good life we were living. Friends, God is the one who provides and sustains anything and everything good in our lives- and that is why we need Him just as much on the good days as the bad days. This pandemic has forced people (myself included) to live everyday for the day that it is. It almost feels like God said, "alright, if you're not going to trust Me, I'll give you no other option."
The people we are used to looking to for answers don't have them. The people, places, and things where we found our security are falling short, and that's why I can't understand how anyone can go through this without the Lord.
It's definitely hard, no question, to stay steadfast on my belief that God is good, and good things will be at the end of the tunnel, as long as we cling to Him. I know without hesitation that this pandemic didn't come to God as a surprise- in fact, He already wrote it as part of my story. I don't think it's fair (in fact I think it's selfish) for people my age to say 'it's not fair our 20's are going to be defined by COVID-19.' We were not promised an easy and perfect life on earth.
I'm a big fan of writing and stories, so I love the image of God writing my story. And God wrote COVID-19 into our story, just like He wrote polio into my great grandparent's story, the Great Depression and WWII into my grandparent's story, and the Cold War and Vietnam into my parent's story. A professor of mine reminded us in class this week "you guys are witnessing history, and you're apart of it." And when I tell my grand kids about this time, I want to be able to tell them their grandma not only got through it, but that I never lost faith or trust in our God either.
Stay strong friends! And remember who is ultimately in control :)